Raspberry Pi 3 B as a Camera Capture – Day and Night – Python 3
A basic python 3 script to capture wide angle video 24/7 and convert from h.264 raw video to MP4 videos every 60 seconds. Setup a time threshold for Day and Night settings. You may have to adjust based on sunrise/sunset. Good starting point if you are learning about raspberry pi, camera and motion video.
Components used:
Raspberry Pi 3B.
Seeed Studio Wide Angle Camera.
Python 3.5.3.
rclone to copy to OneDrive ( You have to setup Beta version of rclone first because it needs to trust rclone and onedrive settings).
Apache running as pi/pi so I can browse the files once captured.
Uses multiprocessing for parallel capture and conversion to avoid breaks in video capture.
Much trial and error so some of the comments may not make sense. If you do use it and you get stuck give me a shout.
Code to run:
#Captures video and rotates - Python3
#using the Seeed Studio fisheye camera
###Test sub threads
#import threading
import multiprocessing
import logging
import time
import os
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from shutil import rmtree#used to delete files and dirs
###import for running cmd apps
import subprocess
import pathlib #used for creating directory
#log file paths
PATH = '/home/pi/python-scripts/alarm/logs/'
tempCollectFileSizeInt = 0
tempCollectFileSizeCompare = 0
previousTempCollectFileSizeInt = 0
previousTempFileNameMp4Path = " "
#Define a function
def convertDay(fisheyeCamMp4SavePath,fisheyeCamH264SavePath):
#Delete raw h264 file command
fisheyeCamCommandDeleteH264 = 'sudo rm -Rf ' + fisheyeCamH264SavePath
#print("Day Daemon")
#Convert from h264 to mp4 - sudo apt-get install gpac
fisheyeCamCommandConvertH264Mp4 = 'sudo MP4Box -fps 30 -add ' + fisheyeCamH264SavePath+ ' ' + fisheyeCamMp4SavePath
#run raspivid command
outputFisheyeCamConvertH264Mp4Result = subprocess.getoutput(fisheyeCamCommandConvertH264Mp4)
#run h264 file delete command
outputFisheyeCamDeleteH264Result = subprocess.getoutput(fisheyeCamCommandDeleteH264)
#Command to run rclone and sync with OneDrive
rcloneCommand = '/usr/bin/rclone -v copy '+fisheyeCamMp4SavePath+' onedrive:Documents/Personal/pi-cam/fisheye/'+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+'/'
#run rclone command
outputRcloneCommandResult = subprocess.getoutput(rcloneCommand)
#print(counter,",",tempCollectFileSize,",",fileNameMp4Path,",",now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),file=open(PATH+"fisheye-cam-"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+".fisheye-cam.log", "a"))
def convertNight(fisheyeCamMp4SavePath,fisheyeCamH264SavePath):
#Delete raw h264 file command
fisheyeCamCommandDeleteH264 = 'sudo rm -Rf ' + fisheyeCamH264SavePath
#print("Night Daemon")
#Convert from h264 to mp4 - sudo apt-get install gpac
fisheyeCamCommandConvertH264Mp4 = 'sudo MP4Box -fps 5 -add ' + fisheyeCamH264SavePath+ ' ' + fisheyeCamMp4SavePath
#run raspivid command
outputFisheyeCamConvertH264Mp4Result = subprocess.getoutput(fisheyeCamCommandConvertH264Mp4)
#Command to run rclone and sync with OneDrive
rcloneCommand = '/usr/bin/rclone -v copy '+fisheyeCamMp4SavePath+' onedrive:Documents/Personal/pi-cam/fisheye/'+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+'/'
#run rclone command
outputRcloneCommandResult = subprocess.getoutput(rcloneCommand)
#run h264 file delete command
outputFisheyeCamDeleteH264Result = subprocess.getoutput(fisheyeCamCommandDeleteH264)
#print(counter,",",tempCollectFileSize,",",fileNameMp4Path,",",now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),file=open(PATH+"fisheye-cam-"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+".fisheye-cam.log", "a"))
#Start of main program#
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Starting fisheye-cam program")
###jobs = []
counter = 1
jobs = []
#while counter = 1140 or check24HourToMinutes <= 300: #check24Hour <= "06" or check24Hour = 1070 or check24HourToMinutes <= 355: #check24Hour <= "06" or check24Hour <= "6"):
print("Time Check - Later than 18:15 or earlier than 05:00 ",check24Hour)
#Get time and date
now = datetime.datetime.now()
#Create full path - H264
fileNameH264 = "vid-" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S-%f")+".h264"
#Create full path - MP4
fileNameMp4 = "vid-" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S-%f")+".mp4"
#Create full path - h264
fileNameH264Path = "/media/usb1/fisheye-cam/videos/"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"/"+fileNameH264
#Create full path - mp4
fileNameMp4Path = "/media/usb1/fisheye-cam/videos/"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"/"+fileNameMp4
#Create full path - motion - mp4
fileNameMp4MotionPath = "/media/usb1/fisheye-cam/videos/"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"/"+"motion"+"/"+fileNameMp4
#fisheyeCamImageSavePath = fileNameJpgPath
fisheyeCamH264SavePath = fileNameH264Path
fisheyeCamMp4SavePath = fileNameMp4Path
#Set to rotate video and save every 15 secs
fisheyeCamH264SegmentMs = 15000
#When set to 0 ms will go for ever
fisheyeCamH264TimeDuration = 60000
fisheyeCamH264Rotation = 0
fisheyeCamCommandH264 = 'sudo raspivid -qp 25 -ss 180000 -drc high -b 0 -v -br 60 -sh 0 -sa 0 -co 0 -ex auto -ev 10 -fps 5 -t '+str(fisheyeCamH264TimeDuration)+' -rot '+str(fisheyeCamH264Rotation)+' -a '+fileNameMp4+' -o '+fisheyeCamH264SavePath
###fisheyeCamCommandH264 = 'sudo raspivid -ss 600000 -drc high -mm matrix -b 0 -n -v -ISO auto -awb auto -sh 65 -co 65 -sa 55 -br 90 -ev 10 -ex off -fps 5 -t '+str(fisheyeCamH264TimeDuration)+' -rot '+str(fisheyeCamH264Rotation)+' -a '+fileNameMp4+' -o '+fisheyeCamH264SavePath
print("fisheyeCamCommandH264 string = "+fisheyeCamCommandH264)
#Convert from h264 to mp4 - sudo apt-get install gpac
#fisheyeCamCommandConvertH264Mp4 = 'sudo MP4Box -fps 5 -add ' + fisheyeCamH264SavePath+ ' ' + fisheyeCamMp4SavePath
#Delete raw h264 file command
#fisheyeCamCommandDeleteH264 = 'sudo rm -Rf ' + fisheyeCamH264SavePath
#Command to run rclone and sync with OneDrive
#rcloneCommand = '/usr/bin/rclone -v copy '+fisheyeCamMp4SavePath+' onedrive:Documents/Personal/pi-cam/fisheye/'+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+'/'
#run raspivid command
outputFisheyeCamH264Result = subprocess.getoutput(fisheyeCamCommandH264)
n = multiprocessing.Process(name=convertNight, target=convertNight, args=(fisheyeCamMp4SavePath,fisheyeCamH264SavePath,))
print('Starting:', n.name, n.pid)
#print(counter,",",tempCollectFileSize,",",fileNameMp4Path,",",now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),file=open(PATH+"fisheye-cam-"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+".fisheye-cam.log", "a"))
counter = counter+1
print("Time Check - earler than 18:15 or later than 05:00 ",check24Hour)
#Get time and date
now = datetime.datetime.now()
#Create full path - H264
fileNameH264 = "vid-" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S-%f")+".h264"
#Create full path - MP4
fileNameMp4 = "vid-" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S-%f")+".mp4"
#Create full path - h264
fileNameH264Path = "/media/usb1/fisheye-cam/videos/"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"/"+fileNameH264
#Create full path - mp4
fileNameMp4Path = "/media/usb1/fisheye-cam/videos/"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"/"+fileNameMp4
#Create full path - motion - mp4
fileNameMp4MotionPath = "/media/usb1/fisheye-cam/videos/"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"/"+"motion"+"/"+fileNameMp4
#fisheyeCamImageSavePath = fileNameJpgPath
fisheyeCamH264SavePath = fileNameH264Path
fisheyeCamMp4SavePath = fileNameMp4Path
#Set to rotate video and save every 15 secs
fisheyeCamH264SegmentMs = 15000
#When set to 0 ms will go for ever
fisheyeCamH264TimeDuration = 60000
fisheyeCamH264Rotation = 0
### -b 0 = variable bit rate - reduces files size dramtaically
#fisheyeCamCommandH264 = 'sudo raspivid -n -v -w 1640 -h 1232 -ISO auto -ex auto -fps 10 -t '+str(fisheyeCamH264TimeDuration)+' -rot '+str(fisheyeCamH264Rotation)+' -a '+fileNameH264+' -o '+fisheyeCamH264SavePath
fisheyeCamCommandH264 = 'sudo raspivid -b 0 -n -v -ISO auto -ex auto -fps 30 -t '+str(fisheyeCamH264TimeDuration)+' -rot '+str(fisheyeCamH264Rotation)+' -a '+fileNameMp4+' -o '+fisheyeCamH264SavePath
print("fisheyeCamCommandH264 string = "+fisheyeCamCommandH264)
#Command to run rclone and sync with OneDrive
###Disable rclone for now
###rcloneCommand = '/usr/bin/rclone -v copy '+piCamImageSavePath+' onedrive:Documents/Personal/pi-cam/timelapse/'+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+'/'
#run raspivid command
outputFisheyeCamH264Result = subprocess.getoutput(fisheyeCamCommandH264)
#threads = []
#jobs = []
#n = threading.Thread(name='convertH264Mp4Night', target=convertH264Mp4Night, daemon=True, args=(fisheyeCamMp4SavePath,fisheyeCamH264SavePath,fileNameH264Path,fileNameMp4Path,))
d = multiprocessing.Process(name=convertDay, target=convertDay, args=(fisheyeCamMp4SavePath,fisheyeCamH264SavePath,))
print('Starting:', d.name, d.pid)
counter = counter+1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# here you put any code you want to run before the program
# exits when you press CTRL+C
print("Keyboard Interrupt", fileNameH264Path)
print(counter,",","Keyboard Interrupt Error - Full Path: ",fileNameH264Path,",",now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),file=open(PATH+"fisheye-cam-"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+".fisheye-cam.error.log", "a"))
#camera.close() # this ensures a clean exit
except Exception as inst:
print("Unknown Error - Program terminated....", fileNameH264Path)
print(counter,",","Unknown Error - Program terminated.... - Full Path: ",fileNameH264Path,",",now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),file=open(PATH+"fisheye-cam-"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+".fisheye-cam.error.log", "a"))
print(type(inst)) # the exception instance
print(inst.args) # arguments stored in .args
print(inst) # __str__ allows args to be printed directly,
# but may be overridden in exception subclasses
x, y = inst.args # unpack args
print('x =', x)
print('y =', y)
# this catches ALL other exceptions including errors.
# You won't get any error messages for debugging
# so only use it once your code is working
#camera.close() # this ensures a clean exit
print("Finally wrapping up...", fileNameH264Path)
print(counter,",","Finally wrapping up - Full Path: ",fileNameH264Path,",",now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),file=open(PATH+"fisheye-cam-"+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+".fisheye-cam.error.log", "a"))